
quote-walt-disney-all-our-dreams-can-come-true-if-247All our dream can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney

This is a quote from Walt Disney which really resonates with me – this is even my tag in some social media sites! So I decided to take this quote and see if I could write a blog post out of it.

Every human being has a dream – for some it could mean making lots of money, for others it could be as simple as a hot meal at the end of the day, but everyone does dream of something or the other.

dreams-goals-action-planBut what do we do to ensure that our dreams do come true? Probably nothing more than sigh and keep it aside for another day. If you do not act out on achieving your dreams, then it is just that – a dream, an ephemeral thought, something that will never materialise.
But if you want your dreams to come true you need to do something about them, and not just as an “I will do this someday” (actually I as a world-class procrastinator should not be writing this, ever!)

I actually feel that to get out of your comfort zone and actually do something so that you are one step closer to achieving your dream takes a lot of courage. One is not sure at all if the steps you do to work on your dream will come true or not, or if you will fail spectacularly. But if you do not take the first step, you will never know if you can do it or not.

One of the most important aspects in ensuring that you reach and achieve your dream is to be persistent. Persistence is defined as “the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people”. Only if you persistently and with a single-minded devotion to the end goal work on reaching your goal, will you be able to achieve it.


Here are some steps which you can take to make sure you are able to reach your dream

Quantify your dream: Write out in detail what you want to do as well as the steps you need to take to achieve your dream. This will be a document which you refine as you go along life. Bring the document to life and update it frequently (at a pre-set interval) on the steps you’ve taken so far and the steps you need to reach.

Practice Positivity: Don’t get negativity discourage you. Let the naysayers negative thinking slide off you like water slides off a duck’s back. Reinforce your positivity on a regular basis and the universe will conspire to make sure you reach your goals. Believe in yourself and the fact that you can reach your goals

Visualise your dreams and successes: Dream with open eyes on what your achieved dream looks like. I’ve heard world-class athletes do a similar technique to constantly see themselves winning the race and seeing themselves on the winners’ podium, so if you see yourself as having achieved your dream and being part of that life then visualising it makes it more real.

Broadcast your dream: Do not keep the dream inside yourself, tell it to as many people as you can. Maybe one of these people to whom you’ve told your dream will come on board as a mentor or has some ideas which help you refine your own. Telling others also makes you accountable to doing something about your dream and taking steps to actually achieve it.

Work Hard on your Dream: Finally all these steps are of no use if you do not work hard on your dream. We’ve all heard of the saying that ‘little drops of water make a mighty ocean’, so even a tiny step taken today will lead to incremental benefits later in life. Whatever your life circumstance, make sure you spend some time every day to work on your dream.

All these steps are important to reach the goal you’ve set for yourself in life. Most importantly, enjoy the process of achieving your goal. Also when you reach the final goal you’ve set for yourself, give yourself a big reward for reaching there and pay it forward, help someone else achieve their dream!

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