2023 Week 23

This week’s quote comes to us from American entrepreneur, Marie Forleo. According to her, true happiness need not come from having the best circumstances or ideal conditions in life. Instead, it is all about the power of perception and attitude. Happiness can be found by choosing to focus on the positive aspects of one’s current situation, regardless of its perceived limitations or challenges. It encourages individuals to shift their mindset and outlook, seeking out the silver linings and opportunities for growth even in less-than-ideal circumstances. By adopting this mindset, individuals can cultivate gratitude, resilience, and a sense of contentment. Rather than constantly longing for a different situation or comparing themselves to others, they can find fulfilment and happiness by embracing the present moment and making the most of what they have.

GG is busy with her internship and because this is the first time, she is doing something different, she is finding it hard on some days, while other days, it is easily manageable. BB is enjoying himself at home while waiting to enlist. I don’t know how long I will keep saying this, but I hope that we get the notification sooner rather than later, just so all this uncertainty ends and we know what happens next.

Singapore’s weather has been very erratic these days. Temperatures are hot, and what is worse is the high humidity that comes with it. Most mornings we have humidity between 80% to 90% at sunrise which becomes around 70% at sunset. I am yearning for some rain, but then with rain, come higher humidity levels! What can one do?

That’s all for this week, stay safe people!

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