2023 Week 31 Update

In July, I walked 342 km and am currently somewhere on the National Highway 48, a 2807 km expressway that begins at Delhi and terminates in Chennai, between Hubbali and Davanagere. I am still about 350 km from my final destination in Bengaluru.

Today’s quote is from the former American president and lawyer, Abraham Lincoln. It is one of my favourite quotes and I feel is a powerful message that shows how one can take control of one’s life and destiny through proactive actions and personal responsibility. What Lincoln tries to say is that rather than relying on mere predictions or passively waiting for the future to unfold, individuals have the ability and agency to shape their destinies. It emphasises the importance of taking initiative, making conscious decisions, and actively working towards one’s goals and aspirations. This quote serves as a motivational reminder that one is not a passive bystander in one’s life. By taking ownership of one’s decisions, actions, and ambitions, one will have the power to shape the course of one’s future and work towards creating the life one envisions for oneself.

I read 5 books this month and am at 90% of my reading goal for this year. I was hoping that at the halfway mark, I would have completed my goal, but let’s hope I can complete it this month, though I doubt it. I also read my first advance review of a book which has not yet been released and that’s another tick from my bucket list. Hopefully, there will be more to come in the future.

Otherwise, life for BB & GG is the same. University will start later this month for GG and she will soon become busy. BB is, as usual, enjoying life before enlistment. And something is cooking in my life too, which I will share shortly.

And that’s all from me this week. Take care, stay safe and remain positive always!

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