2024 Week 26 Update

Where did the first half of 2024 go? It seemed like the year just began and in the blink of an eye, we were staring at the second half of the year. I hope the second half of the year is better than the first half for all of us.

Today’s quote emphasises the importance of finding joy and fulfilment in the process rather than just focusing on the end goal. The quote suggests that the experiences, efforts, and moments along the way are as important as the outcome. Enjoying the journey means appreciating the learning, growth, and small successes that occur along the path to your destination. It implies that if one is unhappy or dissatisfied during the process of achieving a goal, simply reaching the goal may not bring the happiness or satisfaction one expects. True fulfilment comes from finding joy in the everyday actions and challenges that lead one to their ultimate aim. The quote encourages living in the moment and being present, finding pleasure and meaning in the current steps one is taking rather than postponing happiness until one reaches a specific milestone. By emphasising the importance of enjoying the journey, this quote encourages a more holistic and fulfilling approach to pursuing goals and dreams.

After a long time, I attended a wedding of some extended family in Singapore and it was nice to dress up and meet family and friends whom we had not seen in a while. It was nice, but my social battery was depleted by the time I was back home!

That’s all this week. Stay positive and keep smiling 😊

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