2024 Week 12 Update

American author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker known for his self-help books, seminars, and coaching programs, Tony Robbins’ quote underscores the importance of learning from mistakes, addressing challenges, and embracing the imperfections inherent in the human experience. Robbins emphasises the value of viewing mistakes as learning opportunities rather than failures. By analysing the causes of problems, individuals can gain insights that help prevent similar issues in the future. The quote encourages proactive problem-solving by identifying the root cause of problems and taking steps to eliminate them. This approach fosters personal growth and continuous improvement. Robbins advocates for embracing imperfection as an essential aspect of being human. Instead of striving for unattainable perfection, he suggests focusing on being the best version of oneself and serving as a positive example for others. By embracing imperfection and learning from mistakes, individuals can exemplify the resilience, adaptability, and compassion that characterize the human experience. Rather than aiming for perfection, Robbins suggests striving to be an excellent example of humanity in all its complexity. In essence, today’s quote encourages individuals to adopt a growth mindset, tackle challenges head-on, and embrace the journey of self-improvement with compassion and resilience. It emphasises the value of learning, problem-solving, and being authentically human in the pursuit of excellence.

BB has rejoined his training unit after his leave following his passing out parade. He is to be a technician, which is something he is happy about because it is aligned with what he studied at the polytechnic. He will undergo a three-month training, then a one-month on-the-job training, after which he will be posted to his unit.

GG is very stressed with school. She is finding it hard to cope and this week had a mini breakdown. I could only console her and tell her getting fewer marks on a test is not the end of the world. But that is the reality of the world and the sooner she adapts to it, the better.

That’s all from me this week, stay positive and keep smiling.

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