2024 Week 25 Update

I have been leading a very fascinating life these days – in my dreams! Because I am not able to shake off this cold and cough, I have been taking some form of medication almost every night. I am not sure if this is because of the medication, but I get vivid dreams that I forget almost as soon as I wake up. In the dreams, I am in a variety of situations and if I could remember them well, they’d make such good story plots. Like yesterday, I was part of a murder mystery and another day, it was a family drama. I wish I remembered the dreams, they would be so interesting.

The author of today’s quote is F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is an American novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. He is best known for his novel, The Great Gatsby, a quintessential depiction of the Jazz Age and the American Dream. The quote reflects a sense of optimism and determination to improve and achieve more in the future. Fitzgerald suggests that despite any challenges faced today, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. The quote embodies a spirit of perseverance and the belief that continued effort will lead to greater accomplishments. The imagery of running faster and stretching out arms farther symbolizes the idea of pushing beyond current limits, aiming for progress, and striving to reach new heights in the future. The quote encourages a forward-looking attitude, focusing on resilience and the ongoing pursuit of goals, regardless of setbacks or difficulties.

This week, I did something I normally would not do. I paid more than SGD 100 for the pro version of a resume website. I bought three months’ worth of it and hope this will help me with my job search. I hope it’s not money down the drain.

Anyway, that’s all from me this week. Stay positive and keep smiling!

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